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2024-06-25 15:24:39 来源:吉本文学 点击:0
用英文句子描写大象的外貌 Elephant's shoulder about 2 meters high, weight 3 ~ 7 tons. elephant's ears, like two big cattail leaf fan; A pair of long teeth like a white jade, nose long, like a faucet can water gushed. Its body like a wall, leg like four pillars。 写一篇关于大象的英语作文带翻译 My favourite animal are elephants,because I think they are so prowful and friendly.Now most of them live in south and southeast Asia.We also can see them on TV or in the zoo.They have long noses,big ears and short tails.Although they are so heavy,they run fast.Elephants eat leaves and bananas.They like walking slowly and playing in the water.I like elephants.I want to be as strong as them,so I can protect my family. 我最喜欢的动物是大象,因为我觉得他们是如此的友好。现在他们中的大多数居住在南部和南洋。我们也可以在电视上或在动物园里看到它们。它们有长鼻子,大耳朵和短尾巴。虽然他们很重,他们跑得很快。大象吃树叶和香蕉他们喜欢玩。慢慢的走在水。我喜欢大象。我想成为像他们一样强大,所以我可以保护我的家人。 一只大象英语句子 An elephant elephant 英[ˈelɪfənt] 美[ˈɛləfənt] n. 象,大象; [网络] 象; 大象; [例句]Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god. 在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。 [其他] 复数:elephants 英语介绍大象 elephant is an animal that can be found in africa. they love to eat lots of different plants everyday. liking an elephant is very easy, because it's so adorable. 问一下哦.. 一个一个分开写指哒是写3个不同哒句子。 然后每句都要包括这四个词吗? 我不是太懂你哒意思.. 所以我就写了一段有3句子哒话,然后这一段里面用了那4个词.. 如果你不是这个意思哒话可以PM我,我可以帮你重写.. 你哒3个动物我都写了.. 恩.. 有关大象的英文短文 字数可能多了点,不过都挺好的。 Elephants are like us in some ways. They live for a long time——fifty or sixty years. They can remember things very well. They never forget sadness or great happiness for many months. Elephants are like us, but they are also different. They live in families: families of females. There will be a few young males a few baby boys. But the females will soon send them away. An elephant family keeps only its daughters, mothers, grand mothers and its great grandmothers. They stay together for fifty, sixty。 a hundred years. The older animals look after the young ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example. And what happens to male elephants? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must leave the family. The females just send them away. A bull elephant doesn't often have a friend. He [ives apart, away from the family, and often away from other bulls. Sometimes the females call a bull. He can visit them then, and stay for a time. But soon his "wives" and sisters send him away again. The females have a very happy familly life. What do the bulls think about it? We don't know. 一篇关于保护大象的英语小短文 Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is known to be a very and gentle creature. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do many things that would normally be impossible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man. so we must protect them 大象是陆地上最大的动物。它生下来体重约90公斤,身高约1米。到12岁时,象就不再长了,身高3米多。大象通常是灰色的,有长鼻子,大大的象牙从嘴的两侧伸出。大象通常喜欢集体行动,彼此之间相互照顾。众所周知大象是性情温和的动物。很多年来,人们利用大象拖木,举圆木。大象一直是人们做许多事物的重要工具,特别是一些人力不能做的事情。大象过去一直是、将来也会是人们接触过的最大的一种动物。它的庞大、美丽和力量将永远对人类有益。所以我们必须保护他们




